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Have You Got Talent?

Do you think that your life is miserable because you have nothing to be proud of? Do not be desperate yet. Every human person is unique and therefore we have lots of things to do with ourselves. We have one precious thing to consider. That thing is our talent. Talent, based on nowadays’ understanding, is a special innate or developed aptitude for an expressed or implied activity usually of a creative or artistic nature. When somebody is good in playing any kind of musical instruments, we often say that he is musically talented.

I came up with a reflection on how we should deal with our given talent from God. Below are some simple steps in dealing with our talents.

The very first thing for us to do is to instil in our minds that each one of us has been entrusted by God with different talents. Everybody has some talents. The thing that we have to do is to dig or to find out the buried talent within us. We must firmly believe that we indeed have a talent.  

If we succeed in finding out our talents, the second thing to do is to know whether those talents are really meant for us. At first, some people claim that they have plenty of talents. They can be into sports or music or literature and so on. But what is important is to know our very talent. Some people get to know their talents by way of testing all the talents they think they may have. In the final analysis, however, only some selected talents are what people must be serious with.  
After knowing our very talent, another thing that we have to do is to develop the talent. Let us say that somebody has finally known that he is into singing. In order to develop his talent in singing, he must enhance his singing skill by having regular vocalizations or attending a music course specifically for vocal music. By developing the talent, one lets his talent grow ever richer instead of letting it perish. Moreover, it is what the Lord expects from us.         

We may be enriched by the many talents we have but we can be made richer by sharing the fruits of our talents for the betterment of humanity. We often hear that some prominent singers hold fund rising concerts for the victims of natural calamities. Such act of sharing is a Christian act. Our simple ways of sharing the fruits of our talents are also worthwhile for those who really need consolation from us. For in sharing we may be receiving.   

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