As Christians, we truly believe that God calls us to a union with
Him all the times of our lives. Such invitation from God has a redemptive
purpose wherein humanity will be brought back to the Source of Perfection.
Through His only begotten Son, God desires us to reunite with Him and take part
in the sharing of the eternal happiness with Him in heaven.
God calls us every day. This is what the Church tries to remind us.
As Christians, through the baptism we received, we are called to partake in the
mission of Christ, becoming the ‘fishers of men’. God sent us to proclaim the
Good News of Salvation in our family, saving the souls through our different
ministries, and living our Christian life faithfully. Every Christian has been
entrusted by God to bear this mission of serving charitably.
We might wonder why sometimes
the gospels speak about repentance. As proclaimed by the Lord Himself, one must
repent and believe in the Gospel. In repentance, one starts his or her life
anew and with a contrite spirit returns to God who has been so loving and
tender all the times. This is the highlight of our
Christian vocation; one’s life must be changed. When the disciples were called
by the Lord to follow Him, they left everything they possessed; their families,
the job from where they earned their living. This is a life-changing
invitation; they left behind their old lives and ready to embrace a new kind of
life with the Lord. We can earnestly pray that the Lord may change us though we
are not ready yet. God will do it for us.
Our lives here on earth are not
without purpose. We are born to this earth to carry out the mission God has
given to each one of us. In our different ways, we may strive to expand the
Kingdom of God here on earth by promoting peace, justice and love. In our small
communities, we can start to be part of this mission by being good parents to
the children, by being good children who love our parents heartily, by helping
those who are in need, and so on. That is our Christian vocation by responding
to God’s life-changing invitation. What we have to do is to be open to His
great plan for us. Then our lives will be worth living and fruitful.
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